A woman using the fruit collector

Fruit Collector

With the GARDENA Fruit Picker you can pick up fruit, nuts, golf balls and more without having to bend over. Highly innovative, practical and easy to use, this tool is one of GARDENA's bestsellers.

Garden inspiration

wonderful garden

Gardening for beginners - a quick guide

Everyone nurtures dreams of a beautiful, lush, green garden. But then reality comes knocking and the lack of time and insufficient funds tear the dream down.
using own fertilizer

Simplicity from nature: Make your own fertilizer

If you want an abundance of colourful flowers or a bumper crop of home-grown vegetables in your garden, fertilizer is a must. Here are some useful tips to make your own.

The problem with white potting soil

It's a problem that practically every amateur gardener has encountered at one time or another: Until recently, your potting soil had been well-tended and brown, but its surface is now covered in a white layer. The first thing to do is keep calm! That's because the white deposits are not necessarily mould, as many initially assume.